Success Story:
Local Hiring Advertising Success Story
"Partnering with NewsBreak to advertise our employment needs exceeded our expectations and opened our eyes to new advertising possibilities. I am greatly appreciative of the NewsBreak platform, the adops / service team always being there to answer my questions, offering optimization strategies, and ultimately ensuring success in my campaign. This was a great investment for us, and one that I look forward to continuing in the future."

User engaging clicks

Quality applicants

Full time fulfilled roles
Campaign Objective
Utilize NewsBreak’s advertising platform to promote Del Taco’s hiring needs in rural Anthem, Arizona. Anthem has a small population of 22,000 people and hiring for this site historically has been very difficult. Since our old ways of hiring weren’t working, we decided to run a 4-week employment ad campaign on NewsBreak within the region in hopes to lift our job applicant pool.

Create and run an engaging native ad campaign featuring the open job positions, our fun work environment, and provide a strong call-to-action to secure applications ASAP. NewsBreak optimized our ad campaign by utilizing their in-house design team for the creative and their ad operations team managed performance, ensuring best viewability for click engagement and drove all interested traffic to our careers page to apply.

Insightful results
Advertising through Newsbreak fulfilled our hiring needs! We saw a 350% increase in applicant submissions versus traditional job board channels. In addition to the influx of applicants, we were able to fill those roles with quality candidates that were perfect for this location. We plan to continue to use NewsBreak as our main channel to attract quality applicants, including those hard-to-reach rural locations!

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